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"Breakfast of Champions"

Chris Kent


We know that breakfast is considered one of, if not the most important meals of the day. It helps you get a new day started after a night’s rest. In the same way that what you put into your body is important, what you feed or put into your mind at the start of each day is equally important. If you put good food in, you get good results. And if you put crap food into your body you will get less than satisfactory results from it. The same goes for your mind. Beginning your day by feeding your mind positive, ideas, etc. can go a long way in helping you deal with the challenges and stress you may find yourself coming up against throughout it. On the flipside, if you ignore feeding your mind or put a bunch of junk into it such as pessimistic attitudes or negative thoughts, you will get poor results from it.


In the same way it’s important to know what not to put into your body nutrition-wise, you should understand what can be detrimental to take into your mind.  For example, getting bombarded by another person, be it a family member, friend, whoever, with negative comments or statements first thing every day can be a very enervating experience, and can help set a dismal or negative tone for the day. While you might not be able to isolate yourself from the person or such comments, you can at least try to insulate yourself from them as much as possible. In a similar vein, while knowing what’s going on in the world is important, that doesn’t mean we have to feed ourselves that information first thing when we get up by throwing on the television or scrolling through the internet.


I’m not talking about the amount of food you put into your body at breakfast. That’s an individual thing. Some people for instance, like to eat a big, hearty breakfast, whereas others (like me) like to eat very lightly at the start of the day. And sometimes you may only have time to grab a quick snack before starting out.


 But why stop at breakfast? What about lunch and dinner, or even a late-night snack? If you feed your mind good, nourishing food at different times throughout the day it can help keep your motivation level high. It doesn’t matter where your mental food comes from, positive thinking books, spiritual writings, books of quotes, motivational videos, etc.; the container is not what’s important, but rather the medicine within it.


An individual’s mental diet is every bit as important as their nutritional diet. Remember the acronym “GIGO” -- Garbage In, Garbage Out.”


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