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Liberate Your

Liberate Your


"... as an actor, as a martial artist, as a human being, all these -- I have learned from martial art."

                              Bruce Lee



In the five decades I've been immersed in Bruce Lee's martial art process of self-actualization known as Jeet Kune Do, I've invested thousands of hours developing my understanding of and expertise in both the physical and philosophical facets of the art.


Over the course of my years of training and teaching I became aware of the much broader application of the principles, concepts, and mental strategies I had learned, and how they're applicable in the arena that each of us steps into everyday -- the arena of "LIFE."


These principles, concepts, and mental strategies serve as tools for personal growth and self-actualization, and I've applied them in my capacities as a martial artist, writer, fight action choreographer, speaker, performance coach, and in my personal and professional relationships.


I've distilled what I gleaned from my years of training, study, research and learning down to its essence in order to share it with others -- and the result is

Dynamic Personal LiberationTM.


Working as a "liberation catalyst," my mission is to help people tap into their personal power to free themselves physically, mentally, and emotionally so that they can actualize their true potential and achieve their own personal liberation.            

TEDx Youngstown 2023
"A Dynamic Prescription for Personal Growth"
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There is no "one way" to achieve success in life, because no two individuals are alike. The key is to find YOUR OWN WAY of becoming the person you are truly capable of being.

Dynamic Personal LiberationTM doesn't offer you a set, rigid, one-size-fits-all approach. It's not some sort of standardized 'system' or 'method', but rather, a unique, individualized process of personal development and self-actualization.


Dynamic Personal LiberationTM utilizes a combination of movement, action and dialogue (or in some cases, simply dialogue) to help individuals address, examine, and remove mental, emotional, and physical barriers and free themselves of limitations in whatever aspect(s) of their life is needed, be it breaking the chains of self-limiting thoughts and beliefs or breaking through performance barriers.


Dynamic Personal LiberationTM will unlock your potential for growth and change and help you develop new ways of being and moving through your life. It will help you develop the necessary tools and skills with which you can not only discover yourself, but also bring out the best within yourself, and realize your full potential.


Don't settle for anything less than a full way of living that utilizes your talents and skills completely. If you resonate with the desire to attain a supreme level of living consciously, purposefully, and with full intention, I invite you to contact me.


As a personal consultant, I function as an "awakener" to guide, advise, and encourage individuals who have a sincere desire to transform their life for the better. My goal is to help generate and facilitate personal growth and change, and I develop tailored coaching/training sessions for each person I work with. As a "liberation catalyst" I will push, stretch, and challenge you to help you discover and bring out the best within yourself.


A limited number of coaching spaces are available yearly.

Personal Consultation/


The business environment has become more complex than ever before, and businesses need to be much more fluid and adaptable to changing conditions and circumstances.


In my role as a business consultant, I work with individuals, small groups, or company teams to help cultivate a creative, innovative business culture. Be it through private coaching, group coaching, or in-house training seminars or workshops, I collaborate with companies on such things as fostering positive business growth and development, synergistic team building and alignment, and enhanced company interrelationships.  

Whether I'm in front of an audience five people or five hundred people, a small group of martial art enthusiasts or a standing-room-only crowd of corporate business professionals, or being a featured speaker at TEDx Youngstown “Life Happens” event, I feel alive and energized when speaking about the philosophical principles at the core of Bruce Lee's revolutionary martial art training process of Jeet Kune Do, and how the application of the principles can serve as incredible tools for personal growth and self-actualization.


A Personal Note from Linda Lee Cadwell
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"I am in awe of the growth I have witnessed in my friend Chris Kent. I have known Chris for close to 50 years from the time he first took up the practice of Bruce Lee’s way of martial arts, Jeet Kune Do. Chris not only learned the martial aspect of Bruce’s teachings but also his methods of self-reflection as a goal to personal development.


Inspired by Bruce, Chris has applied himself to learning every aspect of self-improvement through the study of various disciplines such as philosophy, physiology, and motivation from a scientific and organic standpoint. As a result of his exploration into all things human, Chris has liberated himself from the concept of what-should-be and found a way to honestly express himself. This “way” he calls Dynamic Personal Liberation. Chris has invested his heart and mind into cultivating a way to help people explore and discard their limitations as they become free of road blocks on their path to self-actualization.


I know that Dynamic Personal Liberation works because I have observed it in Chris as he has matured from a young martial artist to a sincere, thoughtful and happy human being. Chris has a great deal to share with the world and anyone who takes advantage of his ideas can become a physically and emotionally healthy person."

Additional Testimonials

“I first met Chris nearly 30 years ago - drawn to him because of his pedigree and what I thought I could become as a fighter. Within moments, it wasn't my reverse punch that improved but my understanding of self and the whole of my life's direction. Thank you Chris, for your gentle wisdom, calm confidence and willingness to speak what's true in a way I could hear - and apply. You're a master in the Truest sense, my friend."


Ron Renaud

Professional Life Coach, Author of The Uncompromised

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